
*** Journal ***

Fair Enough: Searching for Sufficient Measures of Fairness
Suvodeep Majumder, Joymallya Chakraborty, Gina R. Bai, Kathryn T. Stolee, Tim Menzies. TOSEM 2023.

*** Conference (full) ***

Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Testing Checklist Intervention in CS2: An Quasi-experimental Replication Study
Gina R. Bai, Zuoxuan Jiang, Thomas W. Price, Kathryn T. Stolee ICER 2024.

Does ChatGPT Help with Introductory Programming? An Experiment of Students Using ChatGPT in CS1
Yuankai Xue, Hanlin Chen, Gina R. Bai, Robert Tairas, Yu Huang. ICSE-SEET 2024.

An Experience Report on Introducing Explicit Strategies into Testing Checklists for Advanced Beginners
Gina R. Bai, Sandeep Sthapit, Sarah Heckman, Thomas W. Price, Kathryn T. Stolee. ITiCSE 2023.

Check It Off: Exploring the Impact of a Checklist Intervention on the Quality of Student-authored Unit Tests
Gina R. Bai, Kai Presler-Marshall, Thomas W. Price, Kathryn T. Stolee. ITiCSE 2022.

How Students Test: Perceptions, Practices, and Pitfalls
Gina R. Bai, Justin Smith, Kathryn T. Stolee. ITiCSE 2021.

How Graduate Computing Students Search When Using an Unfamiliar Programming Language
Gina R. Bai, Joshua Kayani, Kathryn T. Stolee. ICPC 2020.

Exploring Tools and Strategies Used During Regular Expression Composition Tasks
Gina R. Bai, Brian Clee, Nischal Shrestha, Carl Chapman, Cimone Wright, Kathryn T. Stolee. ICPC 2019.

Investigating the Effects of Gender Bias on GitHub
Nasif Imtiaz, Justin Middleton, Joymallya Chakraborty, Neill Robson, Gina R. Bai, Emerson Murphy-Hill. ICSE 2019.

Exploring Regular Expression Evolution
Peipei Wang, Gina R. Bai, Kathryn T. Stolee. SANER 2019.

*** Conference (short) ***

Is Assertion Roulette still a test smell? An experiment from the perspective of testing education
Gina R. Bai, Kai Presler-Marshall, Susan R. Fisk, Kathryn T. Stolee. VL/HCC 2022.

*** Thesis, Technical Reports, and Other ***

Improving Student Testing Practices through a Lightweight Checklist Intervention
Gina R. Bai. Doctoral Dissertation, North Carolina State University. June 2022.

Improving Students’ Testing Practices
Gina R. Bai. ICSE 2020 - Doctoral Symposium.